Monday, April 29, 2013

Mannequin Pincushion

I never realized how many different pin cushion ideas and patterns there are out there.  There are a number of them pinned on my Pinterest board for future projects.  Most of them will just be decorations for my sewing room.

The mannequin pincushion just had to be made.  I love the soft sculpted dolls and this falls right in line.  Found a free online tutorial from DIYDISH.  A remnant or fat quarter of fabric is all the fabric you need.
I can see a few more of these in my future, maybe some holiday themed ones.

Stupendous Stitching

Another online class from Craftsy.  I am really enjoying these classes.  You purchase the class and then you have them in your inventory to use whenever you want, there is no expiration on the time the video is available to you.

The class was taught by Carol Ann Waugh.  Visit her website for some inspiration.

This was a fun class and I plan to do more projects using what I learned.  Before even starting this project, you need to make a "Stitch Bible", a fabric book with samples of all of the decorative stitches on your machine.  Samples are done in default or normal mode, and then varying width and length.  Sometimes there's a difference in the way a stitch is depicted in the chart of stitches that came with your machine and how they stitch out.  Making this book gives you a good reference to select the right stitches for the look you want.

Start with a piece of fabric, preferably the size of a fat quarter.  Choose yarns, cords, and other items to "couch" over (zig zag stitch), then mirror those couching lines with different decorative stitches from your sewing machine and finish up with some hand embroidery to fill in empty spots.
Piece with couching lines and machine decorative stitches.

Piece with hand embroidery added.

You will love Carol Ann's one rule - There are no rules!  There are no Mistakes!

Chain of Stars Mystery Quilt

This project was a project from an online class on Craftsy.  Directions for each set of blocks was given in a separate clue with the layout instructions in the final clue.  There were a several suggested fabric choices and I chose the traditional option.  The fabrics main fabrics were from the Coventry Court collection by Robert Kauffman with other complimenting fabrics.  Initially I was going to make the wall hanging size but changed to the double/queen because I liked the overall pattern better.
Only the quilt top is completed. While I loved the fabric, it doesn't really match the decor in any of my rooms so it will remain in this stage until I find a home for it.  As you can see, my new design wall is being put to good use.

Baby Quilt

Seem to be making a number of baby quilts lately.  This one is for my new grand-daughter due in June.  The pattern is a Disappearing Nine-Patch.  Missouri Star Quilt Company has a free tutorial on this easy quilt.  The fabric used was Happy Pink Charm Pack by Dena Designs for Free Spirit Fabrics.
I quilted free-motion on my Baby-Lock Elissimo, my first "real" free motion project.  I used a loopy line, alternating loops and hearts.  I am happy with the result but know I still have need some practice.

Interchangeable Bag

Ellen Medlock's Interchangeable Bag 2 was a fun and easy bag to make.  The purse fabric slides on the metal rods of the frame and can be taken off and interchanged with another of the same purse.  I am already plotting my conversion options for it.

his version was made with an upholstery fabric remnant.  
I used the wrong side for the bag sides and top ruffle  
Embellished with a fabric flower, beads and trim.

Inside of bag.  Doesuede remnant used for lining.

Counting Critters Quiet Book

I made this fun Quiet Counting Book from Amazing Designs, done in the hoop on an embroidery machine.  I bought the software design and kit from Nancy's Notions.  The kit included all of the fabric for the animals and enough canvas for one book.  There is enough of the other fabrics to make several other books.

I think I used almost every thread color I have.  They were all lined up on my table until I was finished with the book.  It didn't make any sense to put them away after one page when I was going to be using them again for another page.

Carolina Carryall

I am really into making purses and bags.  I have a number of patterns lined up to make.  This one is the Carolina Carryall, made in batik, by Studio Kat Designs.  The bag has a "secret pocket" between the bag and lining.  Another project will be making the Encore Purse Insert to go with it.

Secret pocket - hope you can make it out from this pic

Inside of bag - doesn't have pockets but will be making the Encore Purse Insert to go inside.

Room With a View

It's been over a month since I've posted here.  It's amazing how inspired and motivated I am in my new room.  I have a closet, daylight, sunshine, open windows, and typical neighborhood sounds of kids playing, dogs barking, birds singing.  By the way, did I mention I have a closet?  This is definitely a step up from my basement "dungeon".

I did add a design wall for quilting projects and it's also handy for pics of other projects.  There's a tutorial on making a design wall on The Quilting Edge Blog.

Stand by for additional posts of projects I've done since my last posting.